Plan your Summer at Christmas time

Most visitors think that it is always summer in the Philippines, while we Filipinos feel summer in months of March to May. But we (me & my buddy) consider booking trips earlier, and when we say earlier we mean way way early. Not only because airlines post seat promotions (which as we all know isContinueContinue reading “Plan your Summer at Christmas time”

Thought: How can cheaters cheat?

  How can cheaters cheat? They say.. cheaters cheat because they can. They’re unsupervised by their partners, so they have a lot of time and guts to hide what they are doing. But for those whose living in together, married, office mates, with the same group of friends, i mean partners who’s always together. HowContinueContinue reading “Thought: How can cheaters cheat?”

Pasalubong Debate: Delicacies vs. Keychains and all.

You can’t bring home the waves of beach Saud By giving out chains for their keys made of wood No matter how expensive or heavy it may be No keychain can teach someone to surf ELyU Sea You might have bought a perfect duplicate It may be keychain, magnet, and any kind of keepsake ButContinueContinue reading “Pasalubong Debate: Delicacies vs. Keychains and all.”