About 2halves.

       My partner and I started our journey in 2013. Working in the same environment, dealing with the same task and people most of the time and experiencing the same exhaustion, we see to it that we slow down and unwind at least once in our tiring year. We don’t plan guiding you with your travel itinerary neither do we plan telling the best of the best places; cause like others we also depend on blog post for planning ours.  

This will serve as our memory keeper and photo gallery taken unprofessionally by us of course (I mean seriously amateurish ex: blurry, shady, and sometimes unrecognizable). Vacation is my partners’ best way of relaxing and well her best gift to me. She’s the one busy with the vitals like the flight details, our financials, and often decides our destination; while I’m in charge of the fun (what to do, where to eat, what to buy). Aside from our loved ones, travel (not material things) is our motivation every now and then; one reason we keep surviving the sometimes distressed employed life. And I’m writing 2hlaves to somehow inspire you to get out there… because you deserve it.

Let’s create Stories together..